(This is my first experiment with poetry, I hope it makes sense. It's meant to be read semi- rhythmically, enjoy.)
The Relationship Relational
Your face changes as the day progresses,
Your demeanor morphs during failures and successes.
Your attitude shifts and your mouth becomes tainted,
Your integrity's water based and it's constantly repainted.
Your phonetics, dialects, and tones keep mixing,
Genuine care and concern is seemingly missing.
Destruction in your wake you've emptied this lake,
This relationship with you was an utter-mistake.
We were once as close as the clouds and the sky,
You tore my heart from my chest and you kicked it goodbye.
I lye motionless in the stillness awaiting revival,
You've demolished my character such damage can't be rivaled.
I waited patiently my turn to step up to the plate, and as I took my place the ground started to shake. I realize now that this chaos was caused by uncertainty of commitment, the choices therein lead to guaranteed resentment. This disastrous relational mishap was spurred quickly fourth, by your inability to trust me as the days moved forward. The core of the sun can't compare to such drought, the knife you stuck in can never be pulled out. A tie with you that I once desired, left me out cold, burned, and heavily perspired.
We labored we tarried we hoped and we prayed, but in the end of the day their was simply no way. To save what we lost is impossible it seems, since our hearts are retreating like the French army. Running in opposite directions our bond is now broken, I'm left alone on the road holding merely a bus token. To make my solo way back to happiness again, I feel as if that is a waste of attempting an amends. To let out a gasp of grief and pain would be to show you that I cared, and that'd be in vain. We breathed, we eat, we loved, we raved, our hearts once in tune are now in disdain.
Who are you this day, I can't even tell if its you? Your old heart, your old smiles, are tools often misused. You placed your heart in my hand and I held it tightly, the keys to this heart I guarded fourth rightly. I gripped with such intensity it often wheezed, I knew it back and fourth and it came with much ease. An intimate connection ocean deep and valleys wide, you snatched your heart back and switched over to the dark side. Metaphorically speaking you just shifted on over, to never return to this estranged and lone soldier. I stand open handed waiting for this passion to return, but to no avail I'm left stranded in the hail. Doused with humiliation, despair, and heart-wrenching sorrow, I would have stood here in waiting long after tomorrow. To embrace you again I wish I had such strength; my ability to love again has officially sank.
The looks I am lacking, but I kept you on laughing. Genuine and true you know I've always loved you. A commitment I gave to serve and protect you, was diced up and shredded but I shouldn't have let you, incapacitate my desire to love once again, you've broken my options for this love to ever again, begin.
What we once sacredly-shared is gone for good; I pray to God that one day you'll get what you should. Although I hope you soon pay for the damage you've caused, my very being is in comatose and my spirits been fraud. The choice is now mine to forgive and forget, to move ahead and not dwell in motley regret. But if one thing I ask could be done in full, I'd eliminate the image of your smile from this battered soul.
I walk on and live on and making it day to day, but the feeling of your hand in mine will forever leave a stain, of love once had and now far gone, I live on merely mimicking the show we once put on. If I find such passion in my future again, I'll hold tightly to that love and never let it end. I drop your name from my mouth and your face from my brain, I know that what we once had will be forever ingrained, in the head and in the heart and in my souls deepest parts, a hole will be evident from cupids-missed-dart. Struck once, struck down, love made me frown, but I will live on and love on til' my true love is found.