Substantially Suffice Strife

Its the journey ahead that we all must take,
the right turns the wrong turns and the blatant mistakes,
The crawl up and the slide down that wearies our soul,
our lives daily burdens and traumas unfold.
To resist our fair share and not play the hand we're dealt,
is to refuse our futures and turn away help.
For discipline trains and focusing tunes,
our minds made submissive and our intellects subdued,
often not content and whiny when put to the test,
our approach of dyer-trials are lackadaisical at best,
to arm ourselves with a sword and a shield,
preparation to battle to death and not yield,
such passion of persistence can't be found within our hearts,
we must look to the Son for wisdom to impart,
For before their was time and foundations un-laid,
the creator of all threaded a spirit into our make,
a model flawless to push us towards the goal,
Christ perfected within us a mind, heart, and soul.
This spirit was placed within us for such strife,
a guide and a comforter in the dark and bright light,
when our heads hang in guilt, in pride, or in shame,
all we need do is call out His name,
Restoration in the deepest, revival through and through,
His blood pours over our struggles and all things made new,
So when you stand against the enemy He will indeed flee,
For the power within you is more than is seen,
You operate not alone, and solo not so,
allow God to move through you, hand over the controls.
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