Stomping on Thin Ice

So I often find myself in these situations, awkward silence creeps in to fill the void of utter nothingness, I break out a cheesy joke or a movie quote and apparently the weirdness withers. I just realized a few days ago how much I really enjoy breaking comfort zones; perhaps its an issue. It seems to me that a quote about pastors has influenced this non-pastor incredibly, "Pastors exist to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable." I feel like I do a superior job and afflicting comfortable Christians, challenging and rallying the troops of Gods army to action. The downfall, I fell at times that I must be something other than simply obedient, a leader....errrrrrrrrr. I want to be remembered for my character and humor, my ability to lead people to higher heights and deeper depths. The only problem: what does it take to achieve such greatness? A college education, a know-how attitude, an experiential knowledge and inkling for success, I don't think so. I believe that being a godly leader simply requires an acceptance of grace, a disbursement of unselfish love, and a willingness to be transformed for the better of the majority.
I know this seems like random rambling but I think about my leadership capabilities (and/or lack thereof) often. I want to be a great leader amongst my peers, I want to continuously walk above reproach, I desire to stand-out. Not that I wish to be above others, but to have others follow me as I follow Christ would be an honor in highest form.
Being on ASB and being an RA and being on Night Monitor Patrol can be extremely stressful; feeling as if I must be the best at them all, be effective at them all, and leave little room for error. I realized last night that this is a growing process. God is growing me up, mistakes will come and hardships will be endured, I need to stay humble and loving; always compassionate, always caring.
Father help me to walk the path of love and patience and grace; a path i've walked little in my life. I want your heart for people; genuine forgiveness, unselfish love, and constant hope in people.
Psalm 119:9 ,11"How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your Word...For your word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against You."