homogenezed hilarity

"The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter..."
-Mark Twain
-Mark Twain
We've all seen Patch Adams, even if we can't stand Robin Williams horrific acting we can still appreciate the message therein. The film is based on an unconventional doctor who uses laughter to help bring patients out of a multiplicity of sicknesses and ailments. He had to overcome some hurdles in his philosophy and faced intense scrutiny when his practices had seemingly failed him; however, the overall success ratio was undeniable and noble.

We've all been through trails in life and the severity varies according to your upbringing, circumstances, and tragedies. Their isn't one of us who've been unscathed by the difficulties of life to some degree or another; whether mighty or minute. Everyone possesses their own methodology in approaching the reality of life's harshness; some cry, some laugh, some laugh and cry. For me, for whatever reason I've faced tragedy in my life, which has been quite a bit, primarily with laughter. I've shed far more tears out of laughter than out of sorrow; even when embedded with grief.
I think when many people hear my story they're discombobulated with bleakness. However, when I look at what I've gone through I tend to be mightily opportunistic and optimistic in the knowledge that I've endured so much and overcome it. I have used laughter as a tool to both cope, and to mask. I've used it as a tool to utilize it's ability to accomplish feats I never thought possible. However, I've always used it as an escape mechanism from reality; used it to cover the real problems.

I love to see people smile, therefore, I have an innate ability to make people laugh. I don't think I've worked hard, or prayed hard, or slayed any goats and sacrificed them to various gods, or anything else to be able to make people laugh; I just think it comes natural. I don't say that from an arrogant or pretentious place, everyone has a calling, everyone has an area they exceed in, that seems to be the one place I feel the most at peace. Something about watching people get utterly-lost in laughter is unquestionably one of the greatest feelings I've ever felt.

I'm still believing in bigger things...not trading my dreams for compromise...I hope/pray none of you will sacrifice the 'swat' for the 'sure.'
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