Inspiration Lasts. Motivations Past.

I was speaking to a friend the other day and he pointed out something that I've never thought about before. We were talking about motivation and how it's often times not longstanding and how it seems to come and go, often times like bills. It plagues us because we often beckon it and it comes not; and when we least expect to find it we do. My friend explained it like this, "Motivation is temporary and comes from the outside in, whereas inspiration is from the permanent and comes from the inside out..." So, inspiration vs motivation it is.
I think I've always been able to muster up enough motivation to do the necessary; to the utmost supersede people's expectations of me, but never my own. Since realizing I was going to have a long journey, most of it alone, I knew that I wasn't going to get a bunch of outside help in life. I had a strong feeling that most of what I was going to accomplish was going to have to be done from the inside out; not the reverse. Granted, I've always had friends/family/and God in my life, but they don't pay the bills, pass classes, build my family, etc.
Inspiration is an interesting thought. Something that conquers from the internal being is something of great value and should be preserved in longevity and reserved for special occasions; right? I guess I've rarely dipped into true inspiration to find out what it is that I am truly passionate about in life. I've gone so many directions for so many years that I think I've continuously shed layers upon layers of who I am, to the point that now I'm just a concoction of change instead a statue of meaning.
I've thought a lot lately about what career path I truly want to pursue. I'd love to take some more risks. Maybe do some more missions work in the next year or so. Perhaps attempt to conjure up inside of me some desire for something I can really give myself over to. I remember when I was younger I REALLY wanted to be a teacher. I saw that passion fall away a few years back after watching friends pursue that career path and seeing where it led them; happy about their influence, but unhappy about just about everything else.
I am going to spend this next year rebuilding my life from the inside out....mentally...physically...spiritually...when the foundation is weak the result is a lack of stability and longevity. I know that their is passion in me; I just need to find it...
I have put my best foot forward in the sales field and have seen minimal success and mass work. I guess I never came to a point of feeling like the amount of hours/work ever equaled the amount of money that never came. It wasn't a lack of hustle. Nor was it a lack of mental aptitude of testicular fortitude; both of those were in my possession. I had no shame in my sales game. I would knock on doors and do whatever it took. However, in this economy it's more about who you know than what you do.
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