Wednesday, November 03, 2010

im growing. not just physically.

One thing above all other things that I deeply appreciate about life is growth. Growth is actually defined by Webster's as such; "Development from a lower or simpler to a higher or more complex form." Even at our absolute worst, our lowest of lows, we continuously grow. We are growing constantly in our knowledge of right and wrong, personal limitations vs personal abilities, etc. We find out that more often than not we are capable of so much more than we ever thought possible. I'm rarely amazed by what I can't do, but often times flabbergasted by what I'm able to endure, overcome, and complete.

I believe that deep within the human heart is an undetectable grit that turns the crank an extra notch on the internal level; somehow, supernaturally perhaps, giving us that final push we need. It is amazing to read about incredible stories of human ability; people lifting cars off of accident victims. It isn't so uncommon to hear about people doing heroic an unusual things for one another; but our media continuously and strategically focuses on the horrific. The serial killers make the 5 o'clock news whereas the guy who saved 25 senior citizens from a burning Bingo Hall inferno gets a two-minute spot on Fox Midnight News.

I find it rather comical that in a world filled with movies about the supernatural, superheroes, and animated-super-worlds that we still fear anything extraordinary. As people, we've gone from believing in miracles to just assuming that it's Hollywood's job; to somehow deliver our reality to us. For a culture that is so spiritual we are so scared of believing in things greater than ourselves. I think so much of growth is the ability to not only believe in yourself, but to know that your laboring and tarrying aren't done in vain. That, regardless of your spiritual/religious preference, you understand the need and importance for the greater good.

I have been encouraged in the past few months to grow. I've come so far in the area of physical health and well being, struggling vigorously to save my own life. It's been an awesome endeavor. Never before have I been more encouraged internally and challenged externally to fight for something and pursue with blood, sweat, and tears the longevity found within a healthy lifestyle. It's an absolute mind-bender to have to retrain yourself away from so many poor habits; habits of eating, exercise, and just the ability to say 'no.' I guess in reality what I've learned is that growing happens whether we desire it or not; the only difference is the direction.

Do we grow outward? Inward? Do we become more selfish? Do we become less selfish? Do we hoard our possessions while those in need struggle to drift above the overburdening swift current of a down economy? Do we provide the life support needed for those around us who are looking for minute beams of hope and rays of compassion? It's a non-negotiable that growth is inevitable; but what isn't inevitable is progression. It is a daily choice to grow towards good. It's an inward inertia in the direction of selflessness that leads to a life of prosperity; not necessarily financial, but most certainly personal.

I'll leave you with a few quotes about 'growth' that will hopefully encourage you to choose the difficult path over the easy one; realizing that in the end, shortcuts, aren't.

"The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving..."

"Growth means change and hange involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown."

"Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential."


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