Character Causation

"it builds character..." Their isn't a person reading this that hasn't heard that at least once or a hundred times in their lives. It is somewhat inevitable; there it is, bad logic bursting fourth. Right? Wrong! I tend to lean towards being a 'believer' so to speak in the trial & error mindset that has driven generation after generation of peoples. I would say that is definitely one trait that is specific and stereotypical of American's; the inherent ability to always push through.
I had a pastor when I was younger that used to always talk and glorify the days of his youth football experiences. He would always talk about "ruffy" (his nickname in high-school) getting yelled at day after day on the turf by his grizzly couch; constantly telling him he needed to have the "wantto." Some degree of sticktoitevness is necessary in order to achieve a "wantto"mindset. Therefore, never giving up, always pressing through, playing harder, player smarter, always fighting, never quitting, etc. That is the mindset I've had since I was a a teenager when I realized I'd nearly lost everything I had; I realized I only had everything to gain.
I think I've got a lot of character. I know it's been a steady diet of failure and knuckle-sandwiches that has led me to the point I'm at; the point of no return (sorry, had to do a Van Damme reference somewhere...). I have been realizing a lot lately about myself and how often times I will so easily be caught up in the temporal. It's a tough thing, getting caught up in the temporal. By doing so we often forsake all we truly desire to get quick success, fast money, etc. I am realizing that in life it is a rarity that people will get rich doing something they hate and aren't at all passionate about. I truly believe that in my life I will only see success (whether financial or not) when I pursue the things that are meant for me to pursue; things that I am passionate about.

So, I'm not trying to run around and chase every passion I have but most certainly attempting vigorously to analyze the important ones. However, I feel like a large part of my life right now is based on feeling out the real areas in life where I tend to excel; and avoid those where I seem to fail. Not avoid as in not grow or get better in those lacking areas, but more over in the sense of not pursuing things that aren't going to 'characterize' me a bit ( aka-be a challenge...). I guess I could be deemed a glutton for punishment; I find myself living in anxious fear of the comfortable. Perhaps it justifies my consistent lack of consistency (Redundant?).
So, in these new and indeed valiant efforts to seek out what is truly a righteous and prosperous (mentally, physically,y and spiritually) career and life path I've discovered that although I desire success in ways many never imagined; I simultaneously and inconspicuously fear it. I've always harbored a deep hunger for the unknown. Since I was a kid I used to always want to find out new things about old stuff.
So, here I sit today, typing away on my obnoxiously bright Red Gateway lap top, shedding layers of my own inconsistency. Sitting, typing, slowly peeling back old skin from an old person, slowly becoming new. I am thankful that we can cast our burdens down and not be weighed down by such an overburdening life; their is freedom in the ability to grow, and the knowledge to see that it doesn't have to be a frightful endeavor.
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