It's awkwardly beautiful. Like rain in socal.

It's what I've been asking for since July; since 113degrees and perpetual nosebleeds. The sudden calming of natures hellfire wrath upon us California residents and the breaking of the consistent sauna-like-temperatures. Its been an immense blessing to be able to cruise around the valley with my windows down (rain pouring in, naturally) and just appreciate the coolness for once. For some reason, the cold weather does to me what the hot weather does to so many a people; it calms.
It is something I miss about living in the beautiful and constant changing northwest; the relaxing sound of rain beating off every gutter within a mile in any direction. To wake up in the morning and go for a stroll with the fresh smell of every plant known to man corrupting magnificently every sense possible. I equally miss being able to drive fifteen-minutes and just get lost in absolute beauty, be freed within the captivity of natures astonishing glamor.
I've been thinking these past few weeks how I have taken so many things for granted in this past year. It is a trial that we just all face; thankfulness verses entitlement. Our innate desire to demand instead of receive. The internal change I've endured in this past year in California has led way to so many minute yet seemingly permanent revelations. I've discovered so much about what I can and cannot do; grown so independent in my ability to fail and codependent on my ability to succeed.
I am making it an absolute that I'm going to do a lot more traveling this year. I've waited too long to see those parts of the world that have for so long evaded me. I think this is the year where I'll finally take the opportunities laid before me and set my mind to doing a bit more than a typical year. I uncovered a dangerous tool in the arsenal of a truly avid traveler; priceline. I am making it a personal goal to see NY/PARIS/Washington DC/Boston this year....I guess only time will see if such can be done given my circumstances.
I am just ready for whatever life throws at me, learning to live on the bare minimum, and focusing more on my health and longevity than ever before. I feel great. I feel like I should have always felt; thankful.
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