Oh Mother: I'm an addict!

This cannot be a good sign.
Its simple, I could quit; if I wanted to. But why would I do such a stupid thing? I mean honestly, what has it ever done to me. Its been there when I needed it; it never lets me down. When I am in genuine need of companionship its always there waiting for me, I never have to go far to find it. That's right! I am referring to coffee. And yes, I am an addict; now quick, ask me if I care.

I think this may have been a true story.
I am a realist in the rawest form; I must be real with myself. I know that if I were to wake up everyday at five o'cklock and get ready for work, I would be absolutely unable to without at least a cup of coffee stirring around inside of me. I would end up going to work in some combat books and a mini-skirt; looking like a go' go' girl.
Then. Out of nowhere I here someone suggesting decaf. That's like asking for soda without the syrup, or milk without the cow. That's just dumb. That really makes no sense.

I started drinking coffee about three and a half years ago. I think it got started through watching my uncle and dad knock out three to four pots a day for 16 years but maybe that's just subliminal. Maybe its from always smelling coffee and becoming immune to the yellow teeth it created. My first drink was a Carmel Machioto (bad spelling?) from Starbucks. They say once you go fat you never go back, I say once you go black you never go back. (reference is to coffee.)

I tried other forms of coffee after this but many just wouldn't do.
I tried folgers...

that crap isn't going in my cup!
I tried Seattle's best...

If that's the best Seattle has, I say burn down the city. (Starbucks originated there; Starbucks good...other coffee bad.)
Many may say that I've fallen into the corporate conglomorate brainwashing trap; I say, "okay?" I say if a latte is going to cost me $4...it better be good. I say if a Frappe is going to cost me $5...it better be amazing. I would rather pay outrageously rediculous prices and drink good coffee, then pay a dollar and drink liquid hot sick.
Coffee is humurous...

The comradarie that coffee brings out is what matters the most. Many people call Starbucks St. Arbucks because so many believers are meeting there. Churches across the world are meeting on Sunday's in coffee houses. I am not saying that Starbucks is necessarily the "best" coffee but it is the most consistent.
Here in Eugene I am blessed to know of many fine coffee houses and endulge their often. But, if I am abroad and out on a limb; I know I can count of Fortune 500's number (200 something) best employer, Starbucks.

If you hate coffee. Well. Sorry.
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