Heute war trauig

Today was an exhausting day; both mentally and physically. Waking up to the screams and yelps of obnocious German youth was defniitly a blessing; and an annoyance. I stumbled out of bad after blowing my nose and realizing my face had just turned into a fountain of blood. Bloody nose and blwoing your nose; bad mixture apparently.
I then had some Nutella and bread and yelled at kids about cleaning their rooms; fun stuff like such.
I then was forced into the inevitable; saying goodbye to the campers. As much as some of them truly pissed me off this week and drove me to near suicide (extreme exageration) I really did break down when they left. Their were a few guys in general that i really will miss; Karl...the guitar playing dread head...Felix...the annoying baby huey like trouble maker...the memories are everlasting.
After spending three or four hours cleaning (i slept...) the gang of staff took off for Freiburg. We spent the entire evening there. We had a dinner at a really nice Italian restaurant on Einbahnstrasse and did some shopping. I really appreciated this week and the opportunities that have flowed from being around such exciting and awesome people.
Thank you Jesus for blessing me beyond comprehension; I couldn't imagine life without your love.
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