A Dime A Dozen...

The last few weeks have been an akward few, just beginning to really feel like I'm back in my groove here in the Eug'. I have struggled a bit here and there with the typical re-entry issues that people deal with upon returning from time overseas. I realize that to most people a few months isn't very long to be gone; but truthfully I know that their are many cultural norms that I adjusted to and became quite fond of during my time in Europe that simply aren't the same here.
I got used to something called the "du and sie format." This format is one that takes you from a simple acquaintance "sie" to a more formal (friend) with "du." "Du" and "sie" are simply two seperate ways to say "you." But, in Germany when someone wants to befriend you they spend time getting to really 'know' you for who you are. They spend time talking about goals, ambitions, and lifes dreams. It is important in the German culture to be aquainted with people who are similar in perspectives and share a willingness to truly 'be there for you.'
As I returned to the states I began seeing all of my friendships in the same lenses; I was quickly dissappointed. Friends would call but not show; they would say the basic, "Glad your back...yada yada yada." I wasn't satisfied with the typical cultural shallowness that friendships often result in. I wanted more out of the relationships I was in. I wanted to believe thay my friendships were more than just the normal 'hello and goodbye.' But, something scarry happened: I looked into a mirror. I began realizing that the reason my relationships were so fruitful and beautiful in Germany was because I had made a serious sacrifice of time, money, and resources to be there; to be their friends.
I am trying to learn to just appreciate what I have; be thankful for everything God has blessed me with. I want to be a better steward of my relationships this year; I want to have a more godly perspective on the value of people.
If any of my friends do read this; (likely not) I hope you all realize that I think you are all incredible. I try to keep people near to me that I can trust, that I can count on. So I believe that God has blessed me with people like yourselves.
I want solid friendships. I want friends who will call everynow and then; I want friends who are there for the good and the bad; and I want friends who are more than 'surface level' buddies.
Well, that's all I have to say.
Hey Ben. I like your blog. I want to apoligize if I've been one of these friends that you have refered to. I can also share in your frusteration about these kinds of friend. Reading this blog made me realize I want my friends, to be reliable, honest, and REAL, but I am not always that kind of friend to others. Have a good one Ben. Jenny
Doesn't it suck when you realize something isn't the way you want it to be because of you and no one else!?! I hate that. I always wonder why I have a lot of "friends" but not really Friends...maybe its because I fear talking on the phone hmm... I guess the next step after realization is to actually take action to change how you want things to be (please excuse the "yous" I'm not neccessarily meaning You).
Well Ciao! :)
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