Chaotic Silence

A couch. A bible. A torn out page of Mead college ruled notebook paper. The faint sound of billiard balls colliding. The intrusive sound of a variety of c.d. players spitting out their own special tune simaltaneously. My heartbeat is loud. A thousand men marching in heavy rain. The pounding so strong my chest twitches; my throat croaks. My mind is louder. Thoughts of my inabilities, fear of man, lack of financial security. The pain that uncertainity brings, future knocking on the door like an ever-clanging symbol; loud, constant. But, the Spirit is the loudest. The truth is spoken with such velocity and force; like that of a hundred thousand seas. My body shakes and trembles; im spoken to deep within, in the innermost. All external is tuned out. All internal is tuned in. Its quiet again; a petit stream water sound is heard; all is quieted by a taste of truth.
The mountains will shake,
The seas will tremble,
He is still; always still.
Hey Benny!
Wow...good poem. I know that's not why you wrote it though, to hear that it's "good." More aptly, I know what you mean. Boy, I've had so much time to think this summer, and frankly, my thoughts often feel like the roaring waves crashing upon a rocky cliff. Not fun...but hey, I suppose in those times of "chaotic silence," we really learn the most and God can really speak to us in powerful waves...even when we don't realize that He's doing it. Love you bud, I'll talk to you later
Miss you bunches.
Great blog.
I've jumped into the bloggers world as well....
Love ya,
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